Why Choose Finance Direct Car Loans in NZ?
Through their 100% online platform at www.lendingcrowd.co.nz, you can easily receive same day service as your application, leading to a hassle free loan experience. This is especially useful for people looking for quicker turnaround times due to whatever urgency they may have.
Swoosh Finance car loans offer secured car loans so you’ll need to render an asset as collateral for the loan, such as a vehicle, boat, motorbike, or even your home. For these assets to be accepted, they should be registered under your name.
How does Finance Direct Car Loans in NZ work?
You can get interest rates starting at 3.39% going up to 24.95% depending on the type of loan you take out as well as your own personal circumstances. Terms can usually vary, so you can easily make repayments in a minimum of 6 months, up to a maximum of 60 months for a car loan.