If you find yourself paying more than you should for your electricity bill, it might be time to switch to a different power plan. And with comparison tools available online, gone are the days of spending hours on google and opening one tab to another just to see your power options. While the search has become easier for consumers, there are still some important factors you might be overlooking.
If you're searching for the best power prices in NZ, here are some things to consider before making the switch.
Comparing prices and deals can save you a lot of money! Being on the right plan can reduce your monthly electricity bill, which is why it's important to know all your options before committing to a plan, especially if it's a fixed contract.
Almost all power providers in New Zealand offer power plans with fixed contracts, so it's best to figure out how long you can commit to a plan before signing an agreement to avoid cancellation fees. For power contracts, they usually offer 12 months, 24 months, or longer, depending on the provider. If you have no plans of moving to a new place anytime soon, consider a fixed contract as this will also save you from worrying about your bills increasing. If you're not ready to commit to a contract yet, most providers also offer an open contract so you can cancel whenever without paying a cancellation fee.
Most plans will provide you an estimate of your monthly power bill if you switch to them. Hence, it's a good idea to know your average monthly electricity bill from your current provider for easier comparison.
When it comes to power plans, knowing which type of user you fall under is essential. New Zealand has two types of power plans: Low User and Standard User. Rates charged on customers differ depending on the user type you will choose, and if you're not sure which type of user you are, you might end up paying more than you should for electricity.
If you want to know whether you're a Low User or Standard User, there are quizzes and guides available online to help you. Some factors that are often taken into consideration are the number of people you live with, the number of appliances you use, if you're using gas, and average power usage.
A low user plan is for customers that use a small amount of electricity in their household. People who use less than 8,000kWh per year are considered low users in the North Island and less than 9,000 kWh per year in the lower parts of the South Island.
Most Kiwi households are under this category. If you use more than 8,000kWh in the North Island and 9,000kWh annually in the South Island, you're considered a Standard User.
Power providers in NZ have competitive rates, so it's easier to get lost in a pool of options, but what sets them apart are the perks and rewards they offer to their customers. Check which providers offer the best monthly discounts and rewards, especially for new customers. Another thing to consider when choosing a provider is whether they provide bundling options for your other utilities such as broadband, gas, etc., as they are usually cheaper when bundled together.
Now that you know the important factors to consider, you're ready to switch to another provider! Simply use a comparison tool and compare power deals from leading NZ providers. The comparison tool will tailor a number of power plans based on your needs and location. The process usually takes just a few minutes, and the results are provided on one page, so it's easier to compare than going from one website to another.