Third-party Car Insurance

Third-party coverage is a good option for buyers on a budget, offering sufficient liability coverage when you need it. It can help pay for any damage you cause to another person’s vehicle or property if you’re involved in an accident or collision. With so many dealers and institutions offering these services to residents in NZ, having a comprehensive comparison tool that allows you to see all the third party insurance quotes available can really help you save time and effort.

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Third-party Car Insurance FAQ:

Will my Third-party insurance policy cover fire and theft damage?

No. When it comes to third-party policies, most providers offer a separate third-party policy that also includes a provision for fire damage and theft.

Will I be protected if I drive a car protected by someone else’s third-party car insurance?

No. This benefit is usually reserved for comprehensive car insurance policies. You’ll be liable for paying for any damage you cause to other parties when you’re driving someone else’s vehicle.

How much will a third-party only policy cost?

It still depends. It’s usually cheaper than a comprehensive plan but it will depend on your car, its current condition, your age, and other personal factors. Of course, you may get a different price depending on the provider you ask so always compare your options before settling on the first third-party car insurance quote you find.

Will my third-party car insurance cover excess-free glass cover on my policy?

Yes. Most insurance providers can provide this as an optional add-on to your policy. You would need to discuss the details with your provider as you can expect your costs to rise, hence, it might be more advisable to secure a base quote first before adding on any extras.